Everything about our program prepares you to make an impact on the job from day one, starting with the curriculum.

We carefully craft your course of study to integrate the mathematical, statistical, and computer science methods you learn with the theoretical frameworks and institutional settings in which they are applied. All of the classes, starting with the pre-program coursework, build upon the previous ones to provide a solid foundation that reinforces what you have already learned. 

The Berkeley Haas MFE curriculum is as dynamic as the finance industry itself. Faculty members contribute to, and share, pioneering research. A committee of leading industry practitioners advises the program director on current trends and future needs.

Degree Requirements

MFE students must successfully complete 28 units of coursework (1 unit = 15 class hours), including the Applied Finance Project, plus an internship or industry/independent study project. The 10- to 12-week internship/industry project or independent study project is a required condition for graduation.

Schedule Options

The Berkeley Haas MFE Program is a one-year, full-time program.

We are now also offering a part-time option, which allows you to complete the program over two years instead of one.

Curriculum Overview (One-Year Program)

Orientation (March | 1 Week)

The program kicks off with an informative and social orientation. During this week-long introduction to the program, you'll get to know other new students and gain a sense of what the classroom experience will hold. The orientation features team-building exercises, lectures, and workshops on special topics, including a thorough overview of the job market and career resources.

Term One (March–May | 8 Weeks)

Term Two (June–July | 8 Weeks)

Term Three (August–October | 8 Weeks)

Term Four (January–March | 8 Weeks)

Internship (10 to 12 Weeks)

Every course and hands-on learning experience in the Berkeley MFE program is calibrated to expand your knowledge. The group assignments reflect the real world and are intended to make your learning fast and efficient. The condensed one-year format meant I was out in the workforce that much faster.”

Pedro Zonari, MFE 18
Analyst, Schonfeld
New York, New York

Learn More & Apply

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